Key Benefits for B2B Teams

High Availability

Our email validation API is built for dependable performance with 99.9% uptime, so your verification processes are uninterrupted.

Disposable & Catch-All Detection

Identify and filter out disposable email addresses and catch-all domains so non-functional or temporary emails don’t get into your lists.

Easy Integration

With clear documentation, SDKs and code samples, integration is quick and straightforward for easy deployment into registration forms, checkout processes, or CRM systems.

Scalable for High Volume

Efficiently handle high volume verification without sacrificing accuracy or speed, perfect to verify email addresses in large datasets.

How It Works

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

Integration typically takes between one hour to a few hours, but it will depend on your system and specific requirements. Our detailed documentation ensures a smooth and quick setup. 

No, the API currently supports unlimited requests, allowing high-demand verification without restriction.

The API returns both primary and secondary status codes for better clarity:
Success: 200 OK
Unauthorized: 401 ACCESS DENIED
Invalid API Key: 403 FORBIDDEN


To verify an email, simply provide your header API key and the JSON code, and the process is seamless.

Yes, the API supports both single email and bulk verification requests for efficient large-scale processing.

Response times are typically within a few seconds to about a minute per 10 emails, depending on server load and the number of emails being verified.

Get Started

Improve your data quality, secure your database and increase engagement integrating our Email Verification API. Fast, scalable and built for high-demand environments.